The Purpose of Dental Prosthetics

Over the years, various improvements to the quality of dental prosthetics have made it possible to solve a wide range of dental concerns. Typically made of artificial resins, ceramics, wires, and even metals, dental prosthetics fulfill a primarily aesthetic function. For instance, people troubled by their poorly spaced or missing teeth as well as hollow dental cavities can regain their beautiful smiles and confidence by means of custom-fitted dental appliances.

Meanwhile, uneven tooth structures that arise from decay, traumatic fractures, natural tooth gaps, or misalignments can cause abrasions to form on tooth surfaces. By making teeth uniformly shaped and whole, and by enabling optimal dental alignment, prosthetics help preserve tooth enamel from abrasion. Dental crowns, orthodontic appliances, and even implants can address such deformities and thereby protect tooth enamel. Continue reading